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The Technology

The HES utilizes the natural energy produced by the electron spin in the iron atom, converting it into usable electricity. All of these technologies are certified to UL and NEC (National Electric Code) standards.

When fully deployed, the Holcomb Energy System technologies offer a sweeping answer to the most pressing problems facing our world – pollution, climate change and wars for fossil fuels – as a cleaner, safer, more just and equitable solution is made available everywhere.

The HES In-Line Power Generator

The HES In-Line Power Generator

Capable of magnifying true electric power from any source to multiple times the power input. Previously, the voltage could be magnified or transformed. But never before has a technology existed to magnify true electric power by magnifying amperage. The ILPG has unlimited applications, including magnifying the power output from the grid and renewables, like wind and solar installations. It can increase the usable true power for any use or any facility including homes, apartments, factories, office buildings – or any consumer of electric power, reducing one’s power bill, and carbon footprint, by up to 80%.

The HES Stand-Alone Power Generation System

The HES Stand-Alone Power Generation System

Operating independently of any outside power source, the HES stand-alone power generation system operates in a self-looping, self-regenerating fashion, powering itself while simultaneously powering any size electric load. This system is scalable everywhere electricity is needed, including residential and commercial applications, transportation, consumer electronics, and along the power grid.

The HES Phase Converter

The HES Phase Converter

Meets the worldwide demand for clean, point of use three-phase electric power while simultaneously magnifying power output. Three-phase electric power availability continues to be a worldwide issue because of the time, logistics, materials, and expense incurred by electric power companies to expand three-phase power where only single-phase and split-phase power exists. New transmission lines must be installed in order to deliver three-phase power. Three-phase electric power is needed to run most industrial equipment. Existing phase converter technologies carry significant drawbacks including poor power quality, limited size availability, and unwanted line harmonic distortion. The HES Phase Converter is a simple phase converter system that is solid-state and tuneable without computers, rectifiers, or inverters. In addition to using no fuel, this system is inexpensive, reliable, and boosts power output by upwards of 500%.

The power to fuel our world has been with us forever. We’ve found a way to harness it and turn it into usable electricity.

Watch here to learn the actual fuel source powering the HES, and why it never, ever runs out: